Friday, April 27, 2012

2012 Wedding season and a fun photo shoot

This season is getting started for REAL this Saturday. I have 2 bridal parties and it doesn't quit on almost all Saturdays and lots of Fridays and Sundays for the year. I was really hoping that the forecast of 65 and sunny would hold and it looked good until about 2 days ago: The brides this weekend are going to need an extra positive group surrounding them since it'll be 45 and rainy.

So far the trials I've had this year (and the few weddings that came early) have been erring towards slightly more sultry looks than the past couple. I think people in Ohio may finally be ready to come out of their shell. Although, I still love a super soft look too :)

If you're interested in booking a wedding party with me- contact asap. If I am not available, I can recommend another artist for you that will travel on location.

Two weeks ago I had the opportunity to work with a new to town photographer, Corey Chattman. He was wonderful to do all of the photoshoot arrangements, which I often take part in. He booked a space (Heyman Talent agency), a clothing stylist, hair stylist (will update with their info), and the models (4 out of 6 were also Heyman Talent models...and I think they signed a 5th on the spot). It was overall a really creative and great day on the shoot- getting to play around with colorful and edgy looks. Some of my favorites are below.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Quick change artist

A few months ago I was booked on this photo shoot for the CEO of foot petals (those cute inserts to make high heels/sandals/other uncomfortable shoes more comfortable). What I didn't realize was that I wouldn't be doing just one look on her, but I 5 total looks in 5 hours: Both makeup AND hair. That time included the shooting time, the wardrobe time. It was a pretty solid test of my abilities and I think the pictures came out really well. These are the only ones I've seen, as many times on this type of shoot you don't get any pictures afterwards. This was directly from the photographer's (Micheal Bosworth) website.